Thursday, March 3, 2011

Joselyn is 5 and lives in Quito. She has one sibling - a 20 month old girl.Her mother is a seamstress.

Joselyn had a normal birth but suffered viral encephalitis at 6 months of age. She suffered from convulsions which have left her blind! Months later she was stiff and couldn't move according to mom so she was taken to a rehab hospital. Although she no longer has convulsions she can't walk and there has been no progress in her status.

When she was 4 she was seen by a doctor at the San Juan Children's Foundation and her mother was told Joselyn needed some surgery.

On Monday of this week she was operated on by CAMTA and had a bilateral varus femoral osteotomy to correct the angle of both femurs. She also had three tendon releases to allow her leg to move better.
Without CAMTA's help the mother's only option would have been to go the Children's Hospital but there is a many year wait for help.

Even blind, Joselyn is a verry happy and social five year old. Although she may not understand what your are saying or doing, she can tell that you are there and will hold your hand and giggle when tickled like any other child her age.

Joselyn's journey to CAMTA and her mom's perserverance is an inspiration for me and has touched the heart of many CAMTA members. Because this is my first year with CAMTA, following this one patient has beenan emotional experience. But it has also been an amazing opportunity to see how CAMTA's work can benefit this little girl's future. I have never felt more privileged to have met this special girl and be a part of her journey.

Blog post by Alia Karmali, student participant in CAMTA.

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