Sunday, March 6, 2011

Canadian Ambassador visits CAMTA

n the front foyer of the new Hospital Un Canto a la Vida de Padre Carollo.
Dra. Patricia Jarrin greets Ambassador Andrew Shisko. Marialorena Pasquel on the left.

On Thursday, Canadian Ambassador to Ecuador Andrew Shisko, accompanied by Marialorena Pasquel, visited the hospital. Tierra Nueva staff were pleased to give them a tour of the facility and CAMTA was delighted to introduce the ambassador to some of our patients. Andrew enjoyed visiting the children and adults who had received new hips, and chatting with them and their families.

Visitng the patients. Little Domenica Camila awaits surgery for her deformed foot.
She has suffered from congenital amniotic band syndrome.

Ambassador Andrew Shisko chats with Dra. Patricia Jarrin.

Ambassador Andrew Shisko is shown the CAMTA patient database by Dan Ducholke.

Last year, CAMTA received a beautiful diagnostic ultrasound machine from the warehouse of the Canadian Food for the Hungry in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.The warehouse of the Canadian Food for the Hungry is part of the IMED or "International Medical Equipment Depot". The IMED program ships containers all around the world and CAMTA used the expertise of Lindsay Brucks and Judy Johnston to ship our container to the Hospital Un Canto a la Vida.

Dra. Jarrin and Victor, a radiologist, proudly show Mr. Shisko the ultrasound machine
shipped in the container from Canada.

For more information about Canadian Food for the Hungry please visit

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