Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Monday, February 21

The first adult patient of CAMTA 2011 enters the surgical suite
with Chris Douglas carrying the IV bag and Joanne Kay behind.

A long but productive day! The bus trip from the hotel to the hospital takes 45 minutes, so the team had a later start than expected. We arrived just before 8AM and the first surgery got under way about an hour later. The last patients of the day went into the OR at 5PM. Tired, hungry team members returned to the hotel after 9PM. In all, three pediatric and three adult surgeries were performed today.

Joanne Kay selects items from our makeshift shelves in the adult theatres.

L to R: Dorothy McGrath, Janet Emmett, Wincy Ho (surgical processor), Elaine Edmondson, Tanya Atallah
The surgical instrument processing area is quite small as you can see from the picture. Wincy Ho is a professional at instrument processing and we are glad to have her on the mission. She's from the Misericordia.

Marina MacLeod with her adult surgical instruments ready for use

Some of our Monday cases:

Camilla: A tiny (9.6Kg) 18 month old girl, Camilla had bilateral hip dysplasia. She needed surgery on both hips, then a hip spica to keep the bones in position. The little girl received nerve blocks on both legs, then a caudal block for pain relief, plus a general anesthetic from Dr. Sam Stetsko. Drs. Marc Moreau, Lou Lawton and Jay Jarvis, plus Roxanne Chow, an R5 resident, all scrubbed. The surgery went well and transfusion was not needed.

Dr. Sam Stetsko with Camila asleep

Baby Camila's hip xray showing dysplasia

Marc Moreau dissects Camila's hip. Roxanne Chow assists

Maria, an adult patient, had bilateral hip replacement. She lost about 1300cc of blood and received a two unit transfusion.

Diego Mejia, translator with patient Maria and Dr. Elaine Forestell, Anesthesiologist

Medical Student, Amanda Kreitz assists Drs. Masson and Weber with Maria's surgery

Adult patient in recovery room with Ana Ramirez, Translator and Chris Douglas, RN.

Anne Magee RN with surgeons Ed Masson and Don Weber. Adult total arthroplasty underway.

After a total hip. Robin Dufresne with the patient. Tierra Nueva nurse on the left. Mother on the right.

Local Ecuadorian staff observe the surgery. Education is an important role for CAMTA

Ecuadorian orthopedic resident observes surgery

Janet Emmett and Dan Ducholke install a CAMTA sign on the ward.

Physiotherapists Kate Pronovost and Rachel Oates ham it up in front of the crutches

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