Monday, February 1, 2010

Less than three weeks until mission departure!!!

CAMTA member's are in the last steps of departure preparation!  We don't have all the hockey bags of surgical supplies and equipment packed yet but there is another large packing bee on Saturday February 6th at the warehouse.  Hopefully that will finish off the bulk of our packing!

On Thursday the members will assemble for the last pre-departure general meeting!  They will receive their airplane tickets from Mr. Al Tardif of Globetrotter Travel, here in Edmonton.  Al has been participating along with his wife Cecilia for about 8 missions and this time they are taking a break.  But he is still making the travel arrangements.

There are quite a few happenings in Ecuador right now!  Zulay has confirmed our lunch menus for each day of the mission.  She and her husband, David have been very good to the CAMTA members for the last four years by arranging with their friends and fellow restaurant owners for daily catering at the Hospital Tierra Nueva where we work.

In the meantime, the Damas Canadienses de Quito are scheduling themselves and their friends to help out with the interpretation work during the mission.  Maria Caciagli lives in Denver now but she has written an "Introduction to Interpretation" for our volunteer translators.  Once she approves the final draft, it will be sent out to all of the translators for their enlightenment!

Dra. Patricia Jarrin of the Tierra Nueva is requesting the final approval on our CAMTA Container contents.  Meanwhile the container has found it's way to Vancouver and is waiting for loading upon the next ship that is headed to Guayaquil.

That's all for now!  But I'll promise you more, lot's more once we are in Quito.  There will be stories of patients and lots of photos.

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