Saturday, January 16, 2010


The container is loaded.  Paperwork is now underway.  In the interim Mr. Joel Rikley of Associated Health Systems, Edmonton has offered another trade-in operating room table and an anesthetic machine.  Both will be going to the IMED warehouse in Saskatoon for their use.  If and when we send another container we should be eligible for the same devices from their inventory at that time.

Supplies Acquisition // Supplies Lists
After the packing session last week, Dan Ducholke spent his evenings after work preparing the spreadsheet.  That spreadsheet is now in the hands of Pablo Valenzuela, Nicole Beaudoin and Roma Sobieki to translate the terminology.  Then it will be reviewed by the Tierra Nueva staff before it goes to the Ecuadorean consulate here for "sealing".  Subsequently it will be couriered to Ecuador so that Dra. Patriica Jarrin can rceive final approvals at the Ministerio de Salud Publica.

Canadian Women in Quito Translators
Las Damas Canadienses en Quito is a group of women who are there, often with their children but certainly with their husbands.  There club does service work in the community and have had a long relationship at a school operated by an order of nuns.  A group of the ladies has translated each year during our mission.  They are wonderful women and they are very compassionate and dedicated to our cause.  Maria has since left Quito but at home in Denver she is preparing a guidebook to help our translators.  Maria Oliva, Yosmari, Miluska and now Linda are still in Quito and they are planning to help out again this year!  We are very pleased to have these Quito based translators lend a hand each year.

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