Monday, February 11, 2008

The volcano is not affecting us!!

Hi Everyone,
Some people have e-mailed with concern that people have been evacuated from Quito.
Quito is 120 kilometres from the volcano. They felt a little rumble here last week but there is no smoke, no lava, no ash, and no volcano erupting anywhere within our eyesite or beyond. Everybody in Quito is going about business as usual.

I can say this -- don't believe the BBC weather report of heavy showers everyday. We've had just perfect weather. They did have 5 days of heavy rain about 10 days ago.
PS Now it's off to breakfast and then into the hospital to start our surgeries.
Today we have one child for tendon releases of both legs and another with a clubfoot. There's a third child with hip problems. There are four very young patients booked for total hips.

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