Monday, February 11, 2008

Monday -- One day of surgery under our belts!

Here's Heriberto. He just had his hip done about 5 hours before this picture! Canadians can learn a lot from this man! Left to right: Heriberto's wife, Bethany Lewis nurse and clinical nurse educator, Rachel Oates, our Physiotherapist and Craig Blanchard, translator.

Now this picture is the "Guess What"!! The St. Albert Rotary Club knows what it is. Do you?

Meanwhile the nurses kept very busy in the operating room! Here's a shot of Eileen, Student Nurse Liz Sniderman and Shelly Carson.

This beautiful little girl came for surgery on her hip. It's a tragic story. She has a deformed femur and hip from a car accident! Drs. Jay Jarvis (Ontario Children's Hospital) and Charlie Secretan (University of Alberta) straightened her femur. Dr. Andriy Rodyniuk gave the anesthetic and the nurses circulating or scrubbed were Shelly Carson, Eileen Guilfoyle and Cori Kalven. Student Nurse Liz Sniderman scrubbed too. She did a follow through on this young patient from ward to OR and through recovery and back to the ward. With Maria above are Betty Anne Thibodeau and Kathleen Firth plus her mother.

Here's Maria having her surgery. That's Cori Kalvin, Charlie Secretan and Liz Sniderman from L to R.

Instruments have to be washed after each case. This is the "kitchen". From left to right are Bohdan Savaryn, translator, Erin Ennis, student, Marc Moreau, pedipod, Barb Moreau, Treasurer and Clare Gallant looking to the right at the "kitchen" sink. Cecilia Tardif is in the background. Instrument handling is a careful process of cleaning with detergent, enzymatic compounds and finally drying, wrapping and sterilization.

All for now,


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