Wednesday, February 13, 2008

CAMTA hard at work!

Robert had knee surgery yesterday. He did just great and here's his mother so happy that she's sleeping beside him.

Kevin is ambulating. It's tough when you've had surgery and have bilateral casts.

Here Pedipod John McIvor assists Adult orthopod Don Weber with a total hip arthroplasty. Bernie Johnston is the scrub nurse.

Here's Carol Maynard RN and Rhonda Hill RN comparing notes on their patients while Jose Gonzalez rests in his bed after BILATERAL hip arthroplasty.

This is Gabriela and her Dad. She had a hip replacement yesterday. The legs are exactly the same length now - before there was a 4 cm difference preoperatively.

This is Daniel Vega Moreno. He's 22 years old and he had to have his previous hip arthroplasty revised. He has a huge family. There are at least six siblings and he's the youngest. There is great family support for this young man.

This is Diego. He had six digits on each hand. We removed those extra digits and that's Pedipod John McIvor.

Here is Diego with the accessory digits removed.

Here's an x-ray of a child with a dislocated left hip (that's on the right side of the x-ray)

Here Dr Barb Stewart does a spinal for a total hip arthroplasty.

Here's a pan of instruments for a total hip arthroplasty. We have three pans of these in Ecuador but five if it's in Canada.

Don't you like the cast! Thanks to 3M for giving us all of the fibreglas casting material. It comes in a multitude of colours.

Here's Kelly Lee Vincent with a little girl who's just a tad unhappy in recovery room.

But don't you like her cute slippers!

This is the candid shot of the day. The gown ballooned as John McIvor put it on. Or maybe he's been enjoying the Ecuadorean cuisine? Eileen is gloving him before the surgery. Note the carefully aligned instruments on the table. She's meticulous.

Here Blair Gallant monitors the patient. The equipment is improving year by year. Behind the anesthetic machine is a new grill. That's air conditioning! New from last year!

Here's Dr. Jay Jarvis. He's the Chief of Pedicatric Orthopedics at the Ottawa Children's Hospital. It's Jay's second year. He's quiet but smiles broadly. Here he's just finished scrubbing and is headed into the theatre.

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