Friday, February 15, 2008

Dia de Santo Valentino for CAMTA

Look at this little guy walking for the first time after surgery!
That's Rachel Oates, physiotherapist on the left and Craig Blanchard on the right.

This was a difficult dislocated hip on a 5 year old girl named Genesis. She is so sweet! She never cried once. Dr. Andriy Rodyniuk did an excellent job with caudal blocks and an iliofascial block to give superb pain relief after the surgery. She played with stickers in the recovery room and on the ward.

This is what it's like in the operating room during a hip replacement operation.

Remember this picture? Drs. Marc Moreau and Luis Piedrahita have spent time on two days this week showing the complete system of nailing long bone fractures to a group of young trauma surgeons. They are really excited to start using this nailing system. It is the FIRST such system in Ecuador. Thanks to the Rotary Club of St. Albert, Alberta for funding this amazing surgical system. Go to to find out more!

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