Sunday, February 10, 2008

Preoperative clinic was long but we have lots of patients!

Dra. Patricia Jarrin welcomes the CAMTA team to the Tierra Nueva Hospital.
Jay Jarvis and Jim Raso smile at something Rachel Oates said.
She says a lot of funny things.
But the clinic must begin. Here are some of the patients waiting to be seen.

Lots of paperwork in the clinic. This little guy is getting his details recorded before seeing a surgeon for examination.

Looks like a heady discussion between Dr. Luis Piedrahita and Dr. Marc Moreau. Luis is our local orthopod. He grew up in Quito but now practices in Tucson, Arizona.

And Eileen always meets up with her twins. These are Dustin and Damon. There mom's name is Anita. Dustin had his club feet repaired four years ago. They are seven now.

More kids waiting with their mom's.

Eileen photographed the operating room team. They set up the theatres while the clinic was underway.

Here's Barb Stewart. She's an anesthesiologist at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton. She recruited Bernie and Pauline, who are surgical nurses in Lethbridge.

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