Friday, February 24, 2012

Medical Student from Quito

Tanya Ordoñez, Dr. Hurlburt, Dr. Hammell and Medical Student Peter MacPherson

Tanya Ordoñez is a 5th year medical student at Universidad Central del Ecuador. Her mother received a hip replacement from CAMTA in 2009 and the other hip in 2010. While her mother was in the hospital, Tanya was visiting her mother and Dr. Darlene Hammell found out Tanya was in Med School. They got to know each other and kept in touch over email. Last year, before the mission started, Darlene asked Tanya to come help out during the mission. She returned again for this year’s mission week one. Upon completing med school, Tanya will have to do a one year intern, followed by one year of community work in a rural village. She hopes to return to work in Quito after that.


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