Wednesday, February 22, 2012

First on the Stairs

Today we had our first patient successfully climb up and down the new physio stairs. Gloria, 56 years old, has had hip problems for 15 years, but could not get surgery because it was too expensive and her family couldn’t afford it. She lives with her son’s family because she cannot work, therefore can’t afford to live alone. 

Being the first patient to climb the stairs, Gloria cut the ceremonial ribbon once she reached the top. Many CAMTA members and her family were cheering her on. After completing the stairs Gloria told us she is extremely grateful for what we do and that we really make a difference for people like her, who wouldn’t be able to afford surgery otherwise.

Patients need to learn to walk stairs with crutches before being discharged.

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1 comment:

  1. Sigan adelante ayudando con exito a las personas que lo necesitan en vista que no todas las personas pueden realizarse estas operciones por ser muy costosas y gracias por todo lo que hacen para ver una sonrisa llena de vida por todas aquellas que han sido operadas por uds.


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