Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Born to Perform

Translators Olivia W. and Maryna M. with Elsa
Elsa Salazar comes from a family of artists and started singing at a young age. Her family always performed at carnivals and in discos. She is also a dancer, but had to quit singing and dancing because she had too much pain from both hips. We replaced both her hips on, Monday and she was walking by Tuesday morning. She told us that she was very grateful because the Ecuadorian government doesn’t fund operations like hers, so she had to look elsewhere. A social worker in Eugeno Espejo, directed her to CAMTA. If it wasn’t for CAMTA there would be no one to help. Her husband can’t afford it and she is an artist, so there is no stability financially to fund an operation. Upon recovery she looks forward to playing with her daughter, as well as her grandchildren. One of her biggest wishes is to return to the stage, to sing and perform for people and enrich their lives with her art.
Elsa's daughter, Elsa, Kiron J., Marina M., Judy C., Ruhil C. and Jackie M.

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