Monday, May 30, 2011


CAMTA has not been idle since our return from the 10th Anniversary Mission!  The pace has slowed, yes but the projects continue.  Here's what has happened over the last three months:

  • Surplus office furniture was gifted to CAMTA and shipped to the IMED warehouse in Saskatoon for our container to the Hospital Un Canto a la Vida
  • Computers were transfered from the University of Alberta Computing Sciences labs to our warehouse, ready for shipment to the IMED warehouse.
  • The physiotherapists packed up two pallets of rehab gear for shipment in the container
  • Two Memoranda of Understanding were completed by CAMTA with Dr. Telmo Tapia of Cuenca and with the Tierra Nueva Foundation in Quito.
  • A third MOU is under negotiation with the Timmy Foundation, Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Dr Telmo Tapia is working with a new surgeon from the coast of Ecuador on the SIGN nail program.  This surgeon's hospital may soon be eligible for a SIGN nail system
  • The new SIGN site at the Hospital Isidro Ayora in Loja has placed four nails in four trauma patients to date.
  • Plans are underway for the annual summer CAMTA BBQ.  This might start with soccer at a park and finish at the Lilley residence.   We will have special guests this year:  Anita and her two boys, Dustin and Damon who are nine year old twins from Quito, Ecuador

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