Monday, March 7, 2011

a thank you note from Dilan's mom

Here is an amazing thank you note from Dilan and his mom,
after CAMTA members pooled their coin to get him a proper wheelchair.

Remember Dilan from previous posts? The little guy with CP that had surgery with us and then received a custom made wheelchair, paid for out of the pockets of CAMTA volunteers? This is the note CAMTA received from his mother:
(a very, very loose translation - please add corrections to the comments)

Best wishes, affection and a big hug to the CAMTA team. I will be forever grateful to you for operating on my son, Dilan, and to all the members of CAMTA for helping to get the wheelchair for my son.

Peace, love and blessings from God to you and your families for being so good. You deserve this so much.

I hope that God always guides their ways so that they arrive safely on their missions, because they are angels that God has sent us with the help and care that we need.

I will forever ask God to guide and protect them. I am thankful and happy, because this is the best gift I have received in my life, for my son, who improves and is happy. Many hugs and kisses to all the people who make this possible with their donations and aid that we need so much.

From Quito, Ecuador to Edmonton, Canada – may God bless you today, tomorrow and always from Dilan Castellano and his family. You leave us happy and thankful for everything.

Safe travels!

The day after the letter arrived, mom brought Dilan in to say thanks in person!
On the left, Dan Ducholke and on the right Miluska Sanchez.

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