Saturday, February 20, 2010

Team One is on the ground in Quito!

Hi All,
Team 1 arrived with nary a glitch!  We had a one hour wait in customs in a long line of passengers but no issues with clearance.   The new bag tags allowed for an effective separation of the hospital bags from the hotel bags.  The new direct flight from Edmonton to Houston made a difference in the degree of weariness.

Today there were two adventures:  Some went shopping at the Otavalo market and others enjoyed the
Papallacta hotsprings.  A few stayed in Quito.  It was about 20 C.

Tomorrow at 0800h the first bus leaves for the Tierra Nueva.  This group will start organizing the bags for unpacking and set up the clinic.  The second group will arrive after 0900h and commence to unpack as well as see the patients!

I have five measurements of success for the clinic which include the time we see the first patient and the time the last patient leaves the clinic.  I'm hoping for 4:30 pm but I won't hold my breathe!

Surgical instruments need sterilization and batteries need charging.  There will be a lot of work to set up the operating rooms.

Sorry, no pictures today!


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