Thursday, February 18, 2010

CAMTA at the Alberta Legislature

On Wednesday February 17th, 2 days before our departure a group of seven CAMTA members attended the Alberta Legislature.  Christina Prins' uncle, Mr. Ray Prins is an MLA for the riding of Ponoka-Wetaskiwin.  He arranged for his colleague, MLA Mr. George Rogers to present us to the Assembly at the start of Question Period.

But there was time before we had to assemble in the visitor's gallery.  And thus we visited the two MLA's at their office on the 5th floor of the Legislature.  We enjoyed conversation about the Olympics and about health care!
L to R:  Mr. George Rogers, myself, Donnie McIntosh, Christina Prins, Eileen Guilfoyle, Trina LeBlanc, Nicole Beaudoin, Pablo Valenzuela, Mr. Ray Prins

Once we were assembled in the Visitor's Gallery, the first group to be presented are pictured here.  They were present at the invitation of the New Democrats.  They had very deep voices.

As I type, the bags are packed!  Soon Al Tardif and a few helpers will be at the CAMTA warehouse to load the 50 hockey bags (each 50lbs.) upon the cube van.  It'll be an early wake up call tomorrow since we assemble at the airport at 0345h!
And so CAMTA Mission 2010 begins.
Let it be the "Olympic Gold" of Medical Missions!

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