Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Starting soon: CAMTA's "Gold Medal Equivalent" Mission 2010!

Hi All,
There has been some packing activity this last weekend, the final weekend before Team One departs on CAMTA Mission 2010.  There are 51 mission bags for week one plus probably 19 personal bags shared by the team members.  In addition the pedipods from Ottawa, Jay and Lou are each bringing a hockey bag with fibreglas casting material.  Week two has far fewer bags since they are only bringing top-up supplies.  But there may be a few calls in the days before they depart to bring down something we have forgotten!

On Monday, Marc Moreau and I appeared on Global TV Edmonton's morning news for a three minute interview with Mike Sobel.

Today I picked up three banners with the new CAMTA logo from Perry Gould of Digital Print and Imaging in Sherwood Park, Alberta.  Instead of two banners he supplied three at no extra cost.  He is another of the generous supporters of CAMTA who have provided free items or deeply discounted services.  Thanks, Perry! 

Wednesday, a group of seven CAMTA members will be presented to the Alberta Legislative Assembly by MLA Mr. George Rogers.  This is a first for CAMTA!  

On Thursday evening, a group (being organized by Matt Moreau) will load the cube van being provided by Marc Tardif of Echo Promotions and being driven by his Dad and CAMTA member Al Tardif.

Then in the wee hours of Friday we will assemble at our various airports and leave for the CAMTA Mission 2010.  Let us work hard together to deliver a "gold medal equivalent" to our patients in Ecuador!


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