Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A great big thanks to Big Steel Box

Today, Eileen and I drove out to the grounds of the Big Steel Box outlet in Edmonton.  They specialize in containers for conversion to offices or storage space but also for shipping overseas.
Corey Kirzinger is the local manager and he phoned his boss in BC, company owner Mr. Ryan Siebenga and asked him to authorize a container at cost for us!  It wasn't a problem!
CAMTA now owns a three year old seaworthy container that is 40 feet long.  Into the container on Thursday, a crew of CAMTA members will load surplus hospital equipment for the Tierra Nueva's new hospital in Quito, Ecuador called the Hospital Canto a la Vida.
The container will go into storage here in Edmonton until more items are available in one or two weeks time.  And at that time, a volunteer driver will come from Saskatoon's IMED Canadian Food for the Hungry Warehouse to pick it up.  After packing for the long train and boat and truck voyage to Quito we are hoping to have the container in the hands of Dra. Patricia Jarrin of the Hospital Canto a la Vida just before or after we are at the hospital in February.

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