Monday, November 9, 2009

Another private party!

Eileen arranged a "private packing party" with Asha and Rocio last Saturday.  Asha and Rocio are both partiicpating in their second CAMTA mission, both as translators.  These two University of Alberta students are great CAMTA team members because they are generous of time and spirit.  Last year the patients loved Rocio for her smiles but also for her compassion.  Asha is just as compassionate but she also has a scientific bent.  She and I were discussing genetic modification of bacteria after the packing was done.

Eileen is pleased now that all 40 of the basic pediatric surgical packs are wrapped.  Next they go to the gas sterilizer before finding their way into a hockey bag with CAMTA on the side of it!

This picture shows the contents of a basic peds pack

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