Saturday, October 31, 2009

Operating room nurses commence packing!

LtoR: Christina, Patricia, Joanne, Eileen, Heather, Cori
A group of operating nurses met today at the warehouse to commence some packing.  Here they are wrapping surgical supplies in impervious wraps.  Later these items will be gas sterilized before they are placed in the hockey bags for Ecuador.  Although they are packing supplies for re-processing there are also supplies to be ordered and the first order will be placed next week.
Christine and Patricia are from the Royal Alexandra.  Joanne, Eileen and Cori are nurses at the University of Alberta Hospital.  Heather is in charge of the orthopedic theatres at the Misericordia Hospital.  Not pictured is CAMTA orthopod Ron Henderson -- he delivered coffee and muffins to the nurses to fuel their efforts.  
There are many more packing sessions that will happen!  If your are a CAMTA volunteer, don't worry!  There will be more opportunities to assist in the surgical nurse's work.  Many hands make light work!  Watch your in-box if you are a member of Team 2010.

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