Monday, March 2, 2009

Julianna´s clubfoot needed a little more work

Julianna is 10. She had her clubfoot operated on when she was about 2. But there is some residual inturning of her right foot. Julianna came with her older sister who is 26. The parents are working in a small town and they sent the kids to Quito to live with their grandparents. In Quito they should get better schooling.
Julianna hopes to wear normal shoes and to play some sports. She hopes to run better.
That´s Fern Cannon on the left and Glenn Day on the right.
Below, Fern stays with Julianna for her anesthetic induction by Teresa Eliasson in the background.

Scott Wiens, R4 Orthopedic Resident, Glenn Day RRT, Cori Kalven B.Sc.N. and Eileen Guilfoyle RN were part of Julianna´s surgical team.

Here´s the surgery underway.

Here´s Julianna´s x'ray.

And finally we have Julianna in recovery room with Bev Runka RN and Student Nurse Rebecca Latimer.

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