Monday, March 2, 2009

It´s not all about surgery! There´s care on the ward too!

The ward delivers the superb care that gets the patients back on their feet and gives them the skills they need with their crutches to return safely home. Here´s Sarah Southon, Nurse Practioner in Pediatric Orthopedics, Family Doc Doris Kent with Marta at the nursing desk. Marta is a long time Tierra Nueva staff nurse who has worked with us for years. I´m sorry I don´t know the name of the other Tierra Nueva nurse. This year we also have some Tierra Nueva nursing students working on the floor.
Graduate Nurse Robyn Goplen is with Yolanda who had her total hip this very day! Watch for video to be posted of her taking her first steps with her new hip!

Linda Ushkowski, Adela Sandigo RN´s both with Dr. Doris Kent in the charting-medication-storage room.

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