Tuesday, December 9, 2008

CAMTA: Have a fun time learning success in making a personal ask! Capacity at the training session for three more!

To All CAMTA Members,
There are seven people who have expressed interest in the "how to" fund-raise training session.
Mr. Ron Coulombe will be happy to facilitate a 1 and 1/2 hour seminar from 1930h to 2100h on Monday January 12th, 2009.
Below are the "objectives" of the training session.  This is not all serious stuff -- there will be fun because everybody will have a chance to participate.
Ron is an expert at this.  Everything that I know about fund-raising I have learned from this gentleman.
There is still room for three more people.  Let me know ASAP and when three more people respond by "replying to" this e-mail we will close off registration.  The location will be announced but it will be in the west-end of the city.

By the end of this session, participants in Ron Coulombe's seminar on making the personal ask to support CAMTA will:
  • understand the basic principles of the "personal ask" including how to incite enthusiasm in your friends and prospective donors about CAMTA's work helping the disadvantaged with orthopedic problems in Ecuador
  • be able to tell a personal story about helping others to  friend's and prospective donors
  • and know how to "ask for a gift" and finally how to follow-up with a donor later. 

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