Saturday, December 13, 2008

CAMTA has a busy week!

HI All,
As Christmas approaches the CAMTA action typically slows for a time.
But this year a few things have been happening!

Last Saturday the pediatric and adult OR nurses met at the warehouse and prepared some more surgical materials for sterilization.  They have come up with an innovative way to reduce the weight of our hockey bags this year.  We only are allowed one each this year so there are definite limitations on what we can transport.

The nurses have decided to take down some stainless steel bowls like those typically used in the operating room during surgery.  These can be steam sterilized in the wonderful autoclave that is available for us at the Tierra Nueva Hospital in Quito.  This reusable "prep set" can be stocked with sterile chix and the patient can be prepped without the usual sterile package that has to be gas autoclaved here in Edmonton.

Meanwhile the family doctors and I met over at a local Tim Horton's and reviewed line by line the list of medications.  We finalized quantities and now we'll prepare the order.  Boris Petriw is willing to deal with local acquisition of medications.  There are less to acquire this year because we will order more via the Tierra Nueva pharmacy than we ever have.  Doris Kent, Gayle Hiebert and Mary Hurlburt are the family docs here in Edmonton.  Darlene Hammell couldn't make her helicopter transfer from Victoria. (That's an inside joke.)

ON the fund-raising front we have some exciting news.  Jenna Coulombe is planning a Mexican evening at a local community hall for 200 people. Sheena Sikora has a Comedy evening in the planning for January.  Sarah Southon has the makings of a fund-raiser selling hospital gear that might be fruitful for years to come.  I'm not saying anymore about that -- we have to meet with the sales rep and see if it really is the right thing for us!

Glenn Day is leading the anesthesia preparations.  His team will be packing up shortly.  Unfortunately Saifee Rashiq is away in New Zealand this year and his expertise and wisdom (or is that wit) are not available to the team.

Yesterday Debbie Jaraway and Eileen Guilfoyle finalized the pediatric suture requirements.  Heather Perl and her team have already placed several orders for sutures. Ricki Dawn Bennett is our supplies volunteer and she has successfully approached several surgical sales representatives for donations of sutures and other supplies.  Way to go Ricki!

Katrina Crnogorac brought her friend named Sarah to the warehouse last Saturday. Her friend was visiting but came to help out.  I also met Asha Olmstead.  She's a student and has helped with the labeling of the plastic bins that Eileen has installed at the warehouse.  Asha sure has neat and tidy printing.

I ran into Joel Rikley of Associated Health Services last weekend at the YMCA and he promised the usual donation of anesthetic supplies.  Thanks a million, Joel and Jim!

Donations are a little slower coming in this year.  I'm making a plea to every member of CAMTA to ask three more friends, colleagues or relatives for a gift to CAMTA.  It's tax deductible remember!  We know that the slowing economy is making people cautious.  But the hip dysplasia doesn't go away when the economy slows!  

The people of Ecuador still need help to be healthy despite the economy!


YMCA Vision: Strong kids, healthy families, thriving communities

CAMTA: Planning our EIGHTH mission for orthopedic surgical care in Ecuador from February 20th to March 8th, 2009 (

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