Thursday, April 3, 2008

Hi CAMTA friends, I’m Pablo Montahuano. I want to tell you that on April 2, 2008 we had our second medical control at Tierra Nueva.
It is 49 days since our hips surgeries. It was very exciting to see some guys who were operated on and to verify their progresse. Some progresse more quickly than others but in general all are well; beginning to live a new style of life thanks to the hip surgery that the team of good doctors and nurses from CAMTA did for us.
Each one tells us their experiences. I offered to translate to English the letters from everybody and to send them to the CAMTA blog. (Watch the blog for more.)
Miss Nelly Maula, Social Worker from Tierra Nueva, like always, very kindly received us and then she sent us to the medical control with Dr. Ordoñez, also a kindly person interested in the health and good recovery of each one of us. Our next control will be in two months.

Some of the patients ready for the medical control: María Carrillo, Rosa Carrillo, Rebeca Mendía, Gerónimo Olivo, Elvia Flores, María Isabel Gómez, Manuel Arellano, Consuelo Suárez, Isabel Pinluisaca (not in the photo) .

My daughter Emilia Montahuano, Rosario Cabrera, Pablo Montahuano and Betty León at the entry to Tierra Nueva.

Miss Nelly Maula and me (Pablo Montahuano)

Dr. Ordoñez, Pablo Montahuano and Miss Nelly Maula.

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