Saturday, March 29, 2008

News from Pablo!

Hi CAMTA friends.

I’m Pablo Montahuano and want to show you a picture from me and my family after six weeks from my hip surgery. Everything is going good, you can see that I’m standing without muletas (crutches) yes, yes I begin to walk without them only with the help from a cane. This picture was taken on mach 22 when we went for lunch to my sister’s house. Last week we celebrate the Holy Week (Easter Week) with processions and religious ceremonies and with the traditional soup called Fanesca. This soup of incomparable flavor is made with no less than a dozen of the grains and legumes that our generous Andean land proffers to us. To this heady mix is added fish (remember that we're in the time of abstinence from meat), flour dumplings and boiled egg, served alongside an Andean take on mashed potato and some pieces of cheese, called Molo. It’s one of the most filling soups you could ever encounter. Definitely a mortal sin to be relished at Easter! (The Fanesca soup from this photo is made by my mother.)

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