Saturday, January 5, 2008

Packing at the warehouse...

With the holiday season done it's really time to get to work. Today at the CAMTA warehouse there were adult OR nurses, pediatric OR nurses and the ward nurses and physicians. Each of the three groups met and commenced to pack the hockey bags for our trip to Ecuador in just one month's time.
The ward nurses and physicians discussed teaching sessions before they commenced packing. I had brought the supplies order and thus they have everything they need to take down. There are supplies stored in Ecuador so this year there should be less hockey bags to transport down as personal luggage to Quito.
Andy Wensel is a medical student and a translator for the team. She's coming down for the full two weeks. That's her closing up a Rotary hockey bag that contains pediatric surgical materials. Andy is generous of time and is always ready to roll up her sleeves and get packing!
Heather and Linda Lee are in the other picture -- they are adult OR nurses and they are generous of time, talent and expertise! This is a warehouse shot. Sorry it's a little fuzzy and sorry I caught you by surprise Linda Lee.
The only outstanding supplies are some sutures which Ms. Gibson of Ethicon has indicated may be donated by her company. Thank you Ms. Gibson and Ethicon.
The medications are ordered. Dr. Boris Petriw handled the procurement. We get medications from both Life Pharma in Quito and from Edmonton via Capital Health. Capital Health generously supports our project each year. They recognize the importance of this work and allow us to order our pharmaceuticals using the regular process that any independent clinic uses to obtain medications.

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