Sunday, December 4, 2011

Yamuna Body Rolling CAMTA “Ball and Joint” Fundraiser

Here's a little more info about the "Ball and Joint" Fundraiser.

What is Yamuna Body Rolling?

YBR is a useful tool to help relieve tension and stress, loosen tight muscles and regain tone and suppleness back into the tissue.

Pearl Der guides clients using YBR balls to roll their tissues out.

Who is Pearl Der?

Pearl is the owner of Absolutely!Pilates and is a Certified Mat Work Pilates teacher (2000), Yamuna Body Rolling Practitioner (2002) and a Traditional Thai Massage Therapist (2010). She was the first to introduce group YBR classes in Edmonton.

Known for her attention to clients and high standards, her expertise is much sought after.

What do I get?

A well-taught session of Body Rolling from a seasoned practitioner, an opportunity to meet some friends old and new, a chance to win some door prizes.

Everyone is welcome!!

What is CAMTA?

Canadian Association of Medical Teams Abroad - a volunteer group of doctors, therapists, nurses, translators and laypeople who provide orthopedic surgery and post-operative care to the poorest adults and children in Quito, Ecuador. Additionally, equipment is donated and education provided to allow enhanced care even after we return home.

Why would I come to this?

TO HAVE FUN, to carve out some “you time” at a busy time of year, to support CAMTA, to have the chance to experience the release and relaxation that Body Rolling can provide :)

What does it cost me?

Whatever you want. There will be a donation box set up - you decide what you want to give - every bit helps. Forms to obtain a tax receipt will be available for those wishing to donate $20 or more.

So now what???

E-mail Pearl to let her know you are coming. Find some comfortable clothes to stretch in. Arrange a babysitter. Book it on your calendar. Call some friends and have them join you. Dig out your lucky rabbits foot for the door prizes. Prepare to feel good!

For More Info, check out:

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