Friday, February 25, 2011

g up new users

SIGN Nail instruments in their sterilization pan

Doing inventory of the SIGN equipment for the Loja hospital, Isidro Ayora.

The happy recipients and the CAMTA crew. On the left is our new SIGN surgeon at the Hospital Isidro Ayora, Dr. Viktor Riofrio.

A very important part of the CAMTA mission is to teach and equip local surgeons to continue to use some of our procedures after we're gone.

Often, in poorer countries, surgeons have only casting and traction as available treatments for severe fractures. Results can be less than ideal, often leaving the patient crippled and unable to work. The use of the SIGN Nail to treat severe fractures has expanded the treatment choices available to local surgeons.

CAMTA has been instrumental in introducing the SIGN Nail to rural hospitals in Ecuador. Earlier this week, Drs. Marc Moreau, Don Weber and John Lilley delivered and demonstrated the SIGN Nail system to the Hospital Isidro Avora in Loja and to Hospital Corral Vicente Corral Moscoso in Cuenca.

Dr. Telmo Tapia being interviewed by TV channel in Loja
Success! The group gathers outside the hospital with a view of Loja. Note the Rotary Wheel on the bag!

Success at the Hospital Corral Vicente Corral Moscoso.
L to R: Drs. Telmo Tapia, Don Weber, Danilo Encalada (Director of the Hospital), Dr. John Lilley, Dr. Marc Moreau

Successful meeting at the military hospital in Cuenca.
L to R: General Diego, Dr. Marc Moreau, Dr. Telmo Tapia, Dr. John Lilley, Dr. Carlos Bernal

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