Thursday, December 2, 2010

CAMTA purchases medical equipment to enhance safety and care!

At an executive meeting on November 30th, the CAMTA executive agreed to proceed with the purchase of some new equipment items to support our 10th Anniversary Mission to the Tierra Nueva Foundation's Hospital Un Canto a la Vida in Quito, Ecuador.
The equipment will enhance safety for our patients and increase CAMTA's ability to deliver surgical care in a timely manner to our Ecuadorean patients.
Pictured below is a Glidescope device which represents the "state of the art" in anesthesia management of airways.  The video laryngoscope comes with the necessary equipment to manage pediatric and adult airways.
The purchase of the video laryngoscope offers an opportunity as well to teach a modern technique to the local anesthesiologists at the Hospital Un Canto a la Vida who care for the poor patients of South Quito.  We are hopeful that they will be able to make use of this "state of the art" device on their patients during the 50 weeks that CAMTA is not "on the ground" in Quito. 

We are also purchasing several new orthopedic instruments for the pediatric surgical program of CAMTA.  Each year we accumulate a few more instruments and these are typically stored in Ecuador unless repairs or sharpening are required.  Pictured below are some typical orthopedic instruments.

These purchases are made possible by the generous support of many individual, service club and corporate gifts.  Without the support of over 1000 donors each year, the mission wouldn't happen!  I would like to thank our donors for their ongoing generosity!


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