Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lift Interactive and CAMTA embark on Phase Two of new website

CAMTA and the the folk at Lift Interactive will be soon commencing the final development phase of the new CAMTA Website. You will find a new look complete with updated pictures and stories. Each CAMTA member will have a personalized donation page with a thermometer showing progress towards their goal.  There will be a calendar of events and fresh patient stories.
Prospective volunteers will be abler to review volunteer openings and read descriptions of the various roles a volunteer could take during a CAMTA mission.  
Inside the website an administrative area will allow the management of member's information including there application form and their travel plans.  Forms and documents will be available to the members after they log in.
The new website should be launched before the next mission.
In the photo are the Lift Interactive staff and the CAMTA web development committee.

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