Monday, March 8, 2010

Patients: Hip Hip Hooray!

Friday morning commenced with little Brithany.  Here's Mom telling Dr Teresa Eliasson via Rocio, a second year CAMTA translator about her child's health.
Brithany is a beautiful child of about 2.

Brithany's problem is dsyplastic hips.
L to R:  Donna Brown, Tim Carey, Scott Wiens, Marc Moreau

This is Brithany's x-ray.  To walk normally she needs surgery.

Recovery room nurse, Sue Wright cared for Brithany after the surgery.

After four hours of surgery on Brithany, it was Telmo's turn.  He's another kid with cerebral palsy and we hope he can be easier for his mother to manage.  Glenn Day is making a balloon animal.  Telmo has a broad grin!  But he isn't too mobile without assistance.  Rocio is beaming from ear to ear.

Barb Moreau is gathering a story from the daughter of an adult patient with hip issues.  Story gathering for our new website and to explain the difference renewed joint health can make for our patients and their families is a goal that she and I have focused on this year.

Just before he left for home, Matthew Moreau and Dr. Gayle Hiebert presented a soccer ball to Mateo.  Mateo had his right clubfoot repaired.  His Dad gave him a soccer jersey just before we arrived with the soccer ball.  Pablo Valenzuela brought the balls from a club in Edmonton but he couldn't be there for the presentation to Mateo.  We just hope Mateo doesn't kick that ball with his cast!

Now why the photo of the walker?  Maria received a new hip but she has severe rheumatoid arthrits.  Her hands are deformed.  Look closely and you'll see the unique modifications that the physios and nurses achieved on the arms of the walker so that she can ambulate at home.

A normal walker doesn't have pads for the arms and hands.  Here's a patient with good hands ambulating in the hall less than 24 hours after surgery.  We wish Edmonton patients did this well!
L to R:  Asha Olmstead, Physio Judy Black, Sara Irving and Danielle Clement SN

Discharge time!  I ran out on the street to get a photo of Mercedes on her way home in the Hip Hip Hooray t-shirt.

Adela Sandigo RN and Lisa Bleackly were at the desk on the second floor when I surprised them with the camera.
Stay tuned for some more!  I have a final "Vignettes of Week Two" to wrap up the project and then some scenes of the new hospital.  Thanks. John

1 comment:

  1. hola CAMTA saludos desde ecuador minombre es Cristina Collaguazo,,,y estoy muy agradecida x todo el trabajo q hacen por nosotros gracias de todo coraon q diosito les colme bendiciones y sigan adelante y una vez mas gracias


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