Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Vignette of CAMTA's first week

Team Two is just arising after on this Saturday morning after a long trip down from Edmonton.
I thought I would review week one chronologically.

Saturday, Feb 20th -  Otavalo market.  This little guy was at his mother's feet.

Sunday, Feb21st -  CAMTA Pre-Operative Clinic
Here's Joanne Brown and Elma M. with a little girl and her mom.

Dan Ducholke is an amazing process coordinator.  He has moved our project forward in so many ways!

Here's a typical clinic scene:  Robyn Goplyn looks on as Charlie Secretan prepares to inject a knee.

Above is Nely completing her SF36 and Womac assessment tool.  These let us track the before and after function of each patient.

Monday Feb 22 -- Marc Moreau shows a patient's mother the x-rays of her child.

This little one is now in recovery room with her mother.  She was unhappy after surgery but fine the next morning when  we made rounds.

A 14 year old boy named Samy needed a tendon transfer on Tuesday - here's a shot of the surgery.

Whenever there is bony work there are x-rays!  Bryan would roll his machine from the other side of the hospital when we requested intraoperative films.

Adriana dropped in on Wednesday.  She had a bilateral hip last year and now she has a two month old baby!  Joanne Stein on the left and Aline Young on the right.

Her's Linda Lee Visscher with her table as the surgery begins.  That's Derek Dillane behind at the head of the table whilst the patient sleeps under her spinal anesthetic.

Meanwhile I caught this shot of Andy Escalona and Chirstina Prins moving supplies around.
We bring at least 2500 pounds of supplies with us.

In the CSS (which we affectionately call the kitchen since it is so tiny) Jason Tong poises with his Tierra Nueva friends.  Jason has been phenomenal -- he has a phenomenal memory for detail and the CSS equipment flow was great with him there!

Thursday Feb 25th - waiting for surgery.

Post-op on the second floor:  Joanne Brown and a little guy with a syndrome like cerebral palsy.  That's his aunt, I believe.

Little Nely again with her mother and grandmother.

I thought I would throw in this shot of CSS.  That's Matt Moreau on the left.  Joanne Stein is assembling an instrument on the right.

Meanwhile down the hall in the adult OR, Derek Dillane prepares for a spinal anesthetic.  That's Nicole Beaudoin, translator and Linda Lee Visscher in the background.  Stela is about to get a new hip.

Now Stela is receiving her spinal.  That's Khiron Jhass and Nicole supporting the patient.

A great candid shot of Jason Tong, student.  He's going home for a med school interview this weekend.

Dr. Luis Piedrahita on the left is our Ecuadorean connection.  He practices pediatric orthepedics and trauma in Tucson Arizona.  Lou Lawton is from Ottawa and it is his first year participating along with his friend and long-time colleague Jay Jarvis - not pictured.

I changed this one to mute the colors!  Here is a SIGN nail frame attached to the nail on the right.  The frame aligns with the nail and it's screw holes so that the surgeon can place a screw to fixate the nail and do it without fluoroscopy.  Earlier in the week I told you about the SIGN nail.
Go to to find out more!

Thanks and tomorrow we have a HUGE clinic with up to 109 patients!  The majorithy are revisits but we will complete our OR slates for the week 2 mission.

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