Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday -- Total hip patients are ambulating! Kids look fine!

Here's Derek Dillane and Carlos after his spinal anesthetic was in and he was positioned for surgery,.

Student intern Melissa Angyalfi scrubbed in.  Here Khiron Jhass ties on the mask she forgot when she scrubbed.  It was her first total hip scrub!

Drs. Lowell Van Zuiden and Ed Masson place a sterile drape over Carlo's leg.

Meanwhile Dr.Charlie Secretan and RN Linda Lee Visscher pause by the instruments.

The surgery gets underway!  Carlos is getting his new hip!

And here I skip to the end.  That's Charlie putting on the dressing after Melissa helped him close.

With the adult hip done, I popped over to the peds room and asked the gang to poise for a photo while they awaited the x-ray results.  L to R:  Eileen Guilfoyle, Melissa Martin, Luis Piedrahita, Elaine Forestell behind the drapes, Joanne Kay, Jay Jarvis

In the sterile core, Jason Tong poises with the Tierra Nueva staff who work non-stop to ensure we have everything we need for surgery. Jason has been very busy preparing instruments for sterilization.

We needed a shot of an instrument set.  Barb Moreau, Kiron Jhass and Aline Young poised with their very fancy alignment!

Up on the ward, here's a man who's very happy.  Fredy's hip surgery is done.
I'm checking his hemoglobin with our Masimo pulse oximeter.

Here's Luis and his family.  Luis is up and at it with TWO new hips on the day after.
Thanks, everyone.

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