Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hockey bags, Otavalo

The bags were loaded at the warehouse Thursday evening.  A few of us got some sleep before arriving at the airport for about 0330h.

On Saturday morning about 1000h the Otavalo shopping tip departed the hotel and drove across the ecuator to enjoy the amazing and world famous Otavalo market and to shop for leather at Cotacaxi.
Above is a church Eileen snapped enroute to Otavalo.
Below is some artwork she found in the market.

The market is a beehive of locals buying and selling.

The kids are so beautiful in Ecuador.  Here's a few examples!

Enroute back to Quito, Eileen snapped this shot of Volcan Cotocaxi.

Soon -- as soon as I download and resize are the Sunday clinic pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Everyone!!
    Just wanted to wish you all a wonderful trip. Looks like everything is getting off to a great start! I wish I was there!


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