Thursday, December 31, 2009

Our patients will need crutches! Donate your old ones!

Merry Christmas Everyone!
Here's hoping you had a great time with family and friends.

The physiotherapists are preparing crutches for our patients in Quito.  Just about every patient -- whether a child or an adult -- needs crutches after surgery.

Please Please Please -- check your basement or your garage for old pairs of crutches that we can modify and pack for CAMTA's Mission 2010 in Quito, Ecuador.

Bring those crutches to any YMCA in Edmonton between January 1st and January 8th.  Click on the title to find out the exact locations for those YMCA's.

Thanks everyone for being generous with your old crutches!  Help kids and adults regain mobility!  Let children return to playing soccer and adults return to gainful employment.


1 comment:

  1. I live in Victoria, B.C. Is there a place to donate crutches here?


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