Saturday, August 22, 2009

Mission 2010 Teams Announced

The ninth CAMTA mission to Quito, Ecuador is going into active preparation mode!
The team members for each of our two mission weeks have been announced. Those team members will be planning their fundraising. Regular meetings will start in early October but work bees are already being planned.

Today Eileen and Heather met in the Guilfoyle/Lilley kitchen to list the pediatric instruments that require replacement or acquisition.

Here's Eileen on the left whilst Heather records what's needed for the pediatric instrument sets. There is a sale on instruments right now!

CAMTA acquired instruments over six years ago and a few of them require replacement.

In other news --- Heather Perl and Glenn Day visited the former Capital Health surplus warehouse (now Alberta Health Services) and examined surplus operating room equipment for shipment by container to the Tierra Nueva's new hospital, Canto a la Vida. CAMTA will use casino revenue to pay for the shipment of hospital beds, operating room tables, anesthesia machines and other gear help outfit the new hospital. The shipment is being made through the IMED division of the Canadian Food for the Hungry. They are experts at overseas shipment of containers.

We are also in the process of developing a new website. We have had discussions with one vendor and now a committee of members is reviewing our website needs. This also will be funded from our casino revenue.

Alberta charities are very lucky in that they are able to work at a casino every two years.
Casinos in Alberta are tightly regulated and are for the benefit of charitable organizations.

Thanks and watch for more soon!


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