Sunday, March 1, 2009

Our patients are recovering

Here´s Eileen, Jose and his Mom just before Jose entered the operating room for his surgery. Jose was another of the many many children we have seen this year with dysplastic hips! These kids walk with a limp and then grow up to have very very early osteoarthritis which when it becomes severe limits their ability to work and feed their families.

Dr. Orlando scrubbed in with Ed Masson and Greg O´Connor again. Earlier he scrubbed in on Pablo´s hip surgery and Pablo translated for him while Pablo himself had surgery! Amazing!

Jenna Coulombe has just finished her Human Ecology degree and applied to come as a lay student with CAMTA, two years ago. Here she is learning about what anesthesiology might mean as a career. This type of exposure is done only under the direct and continuous control of anesthesiologist Dr. Andriy Rodyniuk.

Meanwhile in recovery room Charlette Opper and Erin Nikolic care for a little tyke after surgery.

Consuelo has had an amazing experience this week. She volunteered as a translator. Consuelo moved from Colombia to Edmonton many years ago and raised her children single handedly. She has never had an experience with such emotional power as her experience this week. She is a CAMTA translator. She says she will participate as a translator for as many years as she can. Consuelo has been in tears. She is a very compassionate woman.

The child Consuelo is with has cerebral palsy. He´s 13 years old. When parents have such a kid in Ecuador there isn´t much support like at home in Edmonton. This little guy has some contractures in his tendons and a seizure disorder. His mental ability is about age 2. He needed tendon releases so that his parents can get him up in a chair or help him to stand.

Jenna Coulombe carried this tiny little 13 year old into the operating room for his surgery.

Meanwhile next door in the adult theatre, medical student Sheena Sikora is pictured here making the incision for a hip arthroplasty. She is under the direction of Drs. Greg O´Connor and Ed Masson. Sheena is thinking of orthopedic surgery or plastics as a career. We want her in orthopedics!

On the right is RN Debbie Jaraway. She´s a pediatric OR nurse but for fun she did an adult hip today.

In the pediatric room with the Pedro - the boy with CP asleep, Darcie scrubbed in. Eileen taught her about sterile surgical technique on Wednesday. Now was her turn to scrub and observe.

Then the surgery progressed back in the adult room. Loreno is getting her femoral prosthesis implanted here.

Pedro now has his tendons released and two cylinder casts applied. He´ll keep these casts for six weeks. Left to right we have Dr. Andriy Rodyniuk, RN Eileen Guilfoyle, Dr. Marc Moreau, Ms. Darcie Stein and Dr. Jay Jarvis. Jay is from Ottawa. Everyone else is from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

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