Saturday, January 24, 2009

CAMTA action: warehouse work and meetings!

Hi All,
There are probably 25 bags packed now.  Hockey bag inventory lists are under preparation now because the nurses and physios have a fair number of bags packed.  The warehouse was busy from about 1000 until 1600h.
The Physiotherapists started first in the morning.  Janet Robert;s boyfriend had cut down many pairs of crutches to fit the stature of the Ecuadoreans and they loaded two hockey goalee bags which are larger than the regular ones.  They have one more to pack. Janet drove in from Bonnyville on Friday evening -- that's  a 3 hour drive just to pack the goalee bags.

Then four of the OR nurses worked away at surgical supplies.  They packed and weighed the bags -- nothing can be over 50 pounds or we'll have to pay extra!
There was a lot of cardboard removed from the warehouse and recycled.  The day finished with a quick sweep of the floor.

Next Sunday on FEBRUARY 1st from1000h to 1600h, the BIGGEST PACKING DAY of the year occurs.  This is an "All Hands On Deck" day because there will be a lot of work to accomplish at the warehouse.

In advance of next Sunday, the CAMTA executive are meeting on Tuesday evening and then the database and information systems people are meeting on Thursday.  The Thursday event will do a mock run at the entry of patient data and photos as will happen at the Sunday Preadmission Clinic in Ecuador.  Then we'll practice creating OR schedules and entering post-operative notes.  Mark Fedorak is our hard-working information systems lead and he's been helping CAMTA almost since our inception in 2001.

After the Sunday packing event we'll finish preparing the hockey bag inventory lists and send those along with the medication lists to Dra. Patricia Jarrin at the Tierra Nueva Hospital.

And then on Tuesday February 3rd at the penultimate general meeting in advance of our departure, Albert Tardif will issue the airplane tickets and final instructions for every one of the 85 mission members.  This meeting is at the Moreau residence.

Dan and I have noticed that the hits are increasing now on the blog.  Activity is picking up as the departure approaches!
Be sure to tell all of your friends about the blog so they can follow the "Mission in Action" with patient stories and pictures!


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