Saturday, December 20, 2008

CAMTA: A Christmas message from Juan Jose in Quito

This week several of us received a message from Juan Jose Vasconez. Juan Jose and his mother Teresa live in Quito and they have translated for us many times over the years.  They have been more then translators!  They have been an integral part of the team delivering the cultural sensitivity that we so much need as we work in Quito.

Here is his message:

Queridos Todos  (Familia, Amigos, compinches, conocidos)

Cada vez como que la Navidad es más fuertemente agredida por lo comercial o será mi percepción?  De cierta forma creo que a la Navidad, al Espíritu de la Navidad, a Jesús en su cumpleaños, ni le irá ni le vendrá el asunto.  Porque Es y Punto.  Yo he pensado en esto mucho, he pensado en cómo tratar de rescatar, compartir, vivir esta conmemoración. He pensado en escribir a todos y cada uno una carta personalizada.... y a la final, me doy cuenta de muchas cosas. Primero, que los momentos que compartimos siempre son como Navidad, no importa la fecha así que es absurdo presionar debido a ésta.  Mejor que fluya, no?  Segundo, que en realidad el ideal sería que más allá de cualquier ocupación, de cualquier compromiso, de cualquier momento, juntos, cada uno aportando su grano de arena, creemos una realidad conjunta que supere cualquier esquema o expectativa del mundo.

Comparto con ustedes dos de los mejores regalos que he recibido en este año (sigan los links), espero que los sintonice con el Espíritu, como lo ha hecho conmigo.  Feliz Navidad.


In translation:

Each time it seems that Christmas is more commercial or at least that seems to be my perception?

In some ways I think that Christmas, or the Spirit of Christmas, or Jesus on his birthday would not be part of this.  That is the point and I've thought about this a lot.

I have wondered a lot about how to change this and I thought I could write everyone a personal letter.  But in the end I realized that Christmas is about many things.  First there are moments that we share together that are very much like Christmas.  It doesn't matter what the date is and it would be absurd to put too much emphasis on any one date!  This is a better idea isn't it!  Secondly, it is a reality that the ideal way to be, no matter what we are doing or no matter what the compromise, no matter what the moment: that TOGETHER we each are contributing our own ideals, our betterment of the world.  As individuals that is only one grain of sand each but together we make a much better world!

I share with you two of the best gifts I received this year.  Follow the links and I hope that you will find synonyms of the Spirit of the spirit of Christmas like it did for me.  Merry Christmas.

I apologize to Juanjo for taking a little artistic licence in the translation but DO enjoy his links.  The music is great and it comes from six of the seven continents!  You'll see what I mean.



YMCA Vision: Strong kids, healthy families, thriving communities

CAMTA: Planning our EIGHTH mission for orthopedic surgical care in Ecuador from February 20th to March 8th, 2009 (

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