Thursday, November 13, 2008

Dear John and all Camta friends,

Is a pleasure for me to have again fresh news and photos in the Camta Blog. It is exciting to know that you are preparing a new Camta Mission to our country, Ecuador.Time goes very fast and now there are eight months since my right hip replacement. Everything is going well since my surgery. I was a good patient, and have made all my physiotherapy and also I was in Tierra Nueva Foundation every two months to have a control with Dr. OrdoƱez. My last control was on September 26, and have made this pictures to show you. The only problem that I have now is that my left hip is beginning to hurt me.

Friends, you know all the good you do to us, the people who suffer from hip dysplacia. All we are waiting anxiously to see you again.

May Good bless you in this new Camta Mission 2009.

We are waiting you with open arms. See you in February 2009 to embrace you.

Your friend,

Pablo Montahuano Sosa

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