Friday, February 22, 2008

CAMTA celebrates, operates and packs.

Today was a happy-sad day at the Tierra Nueva. The day was profoundly busy but there was time to celebrate a little bit.

The surgery continued but every other minute was occupied by our exit inventory. Each year we get a little bit better about achieving accurate numbers to make the next year's packing easier. I called on Elyse in the pharmacy and she had prepared a list of the medications she can supply us directly in Ecuador. We really would prefer to reduce the weight of the materiels that we transport.

I had time to hit the street for some photos. This lady and her child were selling herbs just 20 metres outside the door of the Tierra Nueva. The child saw me taking the picture and came to have a look. Mother and her friend followed and asked me if I knew a friend in Canada. Of course I didn't.

I carried on to the end of the block where the Mayor of Quito has built a beautiful park. There are many different artworks in this city.

Here's a view from the park of the Tierra Nueva medical centre.

There are such beautiful murals on the outside of the building. This one celebrates Padre Carollo who founded the Tierra Nueva more than 40 years ago. He came from Italy as a very young priest and spent his entire life serving the poor in Quito.

Then I wandered SE past the ravine that is behind the hospital and found a marching band in the school yard. Somebody asked me what I was doing and I explained that I was "...part of the brigado Canadiense a la Tierra Nueva." That was enough explanation for them to welcome me into the school yard.

Back at the hospital, Eileen asked me to come with her to distribute flags and pins to the staff and patients. These two ladies wanted balls for their children.

Every year Eileen brings lots of flags and balls to the Tierra Nueva.

This lady was very happy to wave her flag for the photo.

Tomorrow we complete packing up and the staff at the Tierra Nueva are asking us to stay for a little celebration at 1230h.

That's Friday -- and watch tomorrow for some final packing photos and some views of our patients as they prepare to leave the hospital.


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