Saturday, December 15, 2007

Bonnyville Lion's Club are very interested in helping out!

Janet Roberts is a physiotherapist practicing at the hospital in Bonnyville, Alberta. She has been busy collecting crutches. Despite the distance (3hrs) from Edmonton Janet has driven down to make meetings of CAMTA and is enthusiastic about the opportunity to help others in Quito.
I had suggested to Janet that she contact a Lions Club to seek funding for CAMTA. She wrote a letter to one of the two clubs in her home town and Monday evening last was scheduled for a presentation by Janet, myself and Eileen to the club.
But sadly the weather intervened! Eileen and I had to drive up from Edmonton and Monday morning the roads were treacherous. The Alberta Motor Association road report had the highways in our area labelled as red. Reluctantly we had to change our plans.
I phoned Luella Harrison, who is our contact with her club and explained the situation. She said simply that "...this is Canada in the winter and not to worry if we couldn't make it to the meeting." Janet lives in Bonnyville so suddenly the pressure was on her to make a solo presentation to the club and answer any questions.
Janet rose to the task and at the last minute found an LED projector and a DVD player. She and her significant other hooked it up early at the meeting room to be sure everything was functional and obviously did a fine job of the presentation. When I called in to the conference room at the appointed time to answer any additional questions there were only two -- she had satisfied their need for knowledge about our project.

Good work, Janet!
It'll be superb working with you in Ecuador.


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